Goals of our activities

By promoting fair and prompt loss adjusting for damages to the property and interests of the people caused by various accidents such as frequent natural disasters, we aim to contribute to the stability and improvement of people's lives by broadly defending the interests of the people and securing and promoting opportunities for fair and free economic activities.

  1. Research, training, examination and qualifications that contribute to improving loss adjusters' skills and quality
  2. Promotion, dissemination, support and enlightenment of research activities related to the sound development of loss adjusters
  3. Promotion of fair and prompt damage loss adjusting in the event of a wide-area disaster
  4. Cooperation with related organizations, Government offices, and local governments for loss adjusting
  5. Dissemination and public relations of the business activities of loss adjusters
  6. Other matters necessary for achieving the objectives

The business set forth in the preceding paragraph shall be conducted all over Japan and overseas.

Number of members and adjusters affiliated with our members

Number of members
63 corporate members (as of 1st July. 2024)
Number of adjusters affiliated with our members

1,118 members

Breakdown (by qualification) Level
Level 1: 136 / Level 2: 363 / Level 3: 619