December 4, 2015 Approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Members

Excerpt from the Preamble

* Excerpted from the Preamble: Intent of Establishing the Ethical Regulations and Standards of Conduct.

Adjusters assess the insurable value of property covered by damage insurance; calculate the amount of loss in the event of a fire, earthquake, or accident for which compensation must be provided; investigate the circumstances and causes of accidents; and perform other related tasks.

Accordingly, adjusters must enhance their correct knowledge of damage insurance and have a correct understanding of insurance agreements. They must perform detailed investigations regarding accident causes and resulting damage, and also have ample experience and advanced skills to suitably calculate loss amounts.

The role of adjusters is to carry out the sound damage insurance business and perform adjustment tasks in a fair, accurate, and prompt fashion to contribute to the stability of social life.

The Loss Adjusting Association of Japan (LAAJ) works to improve and enhance adjustment abilities, based on solidarity between members, in damage insurance adjustment work. It also strives to improve the social position of adjusters and for the healthy development of the industry.

To fulfill these roles and objectives, adjusters are required to possess high-grade knowledge, ample experience, and advanced skills as experts, and also high morality including fairness and impartiality. For that reason, members and adjusters shall personally regulate themselves. The LAAJ has also established these Ethical Regulations and Standards of Conduct to respond to societal expectations.

Statement on Ethics

* This section is from Chapter 1 (Statement on Ethics) in the Ethical Regulations and Standards of Conduct.


The mission of members and adjusters is to carry out the sound damage insurance business and contribute to the stability of social life through fair, accurate, and prompt adjustment.

2.Awareness of mission

Members and adjusters shall be aware of the aforementioned mission and work to achieve it.

3.Good faith and trust

Members and adjusters shall act ethically and sincerely, maintaining independence and in good faith, in all human relations in the course of their duties.

4.Compliance with laws, ordinances, etc.

Members and adjusters shall comply with various types of laws, ordinances, etc., and make efforts to be well versed in laws, ordinances, and practical work.

5.Maintaining dignity

Members and adjusters shall constantly work to develop their character and maintain dignity.


Members and adjusters shall always strive to diligently study expert knowledge and acquire practical experience. They shall also make efforts to engage in repeated self-improvement and enhance their skills through methods such as proactively participating in training held by the LAAJ.

7.Maintaining trust

Members and adjusters shall perform their work in a sincere, suitable fashion and always maintain a modest attitude, by which they shall work to maintain trust.

8.Activities for the public good

Members and adjusters shall strive to proactively participate in and implement activities that conform to the mission for the public good.

Ethical Regulations and Standards of Conduct